Monday, January 16, 2012

The Rest Is Still Unwritten.

While doing my daily devotions God seemed to just me telling me over and over not to worry. Gabriella and Tabitha, the two little girls I am advocating about, both have families out there somewhere. I shouldn't worry about it, I should just keep advocating through my blog and praying to God. I don't know who their families are, but God does. We need to give our lives fully to God and let Him write our life story. Take everything to God. To us, the rest is still unwritten, but God knows what will happen tomorrow, a week from now, or in 10 years. So don't worry, trust God, he has your back.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

More babies have been added!

I try to keep up with all the children listed on Reece's Rainbow, but sometimes it is hard. Hard to look at all those beautiful faces who don't have a home or a famly; hard to find time to look and pray over each child; hard to go back day after day and look to see the same faces without a home. For some reason the 0-2 girls with down syndrome have a special place in my heart. Every time I get on there it is the first page I go to after I have looked in the My Family Found Me page. Maybe it is because both Gabriella and Tabitha are on that page. Maybe it is because I love babies.Maybe it is because God is doing something great in my life. Today I noticed that a lot of new babies have been added to the page since Angel Tree ended. Probably around a dozen babies with no money in their fund. That needs to change. And the change begins with you and me. Please donate to a child off Reece's Rainbow today! Even the smallest amount makes a huge difference. WE must take care of the orphans and widows.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Continueing to Pray.

Please continue to pray for Gabriella and Tabitha. Now that Angel Tree is over I won't have as much to write about and I probably won't update this blog as much. But please continue to pray and share with friends and family. Thanks so much!