So I just found out that a challenge called 31 for 21 started today, and I decided I would join in this year. The goal is to blog every day to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. For more info and to find out how to join, click here!
The reason I am joining in on this challenge is because I want everyone to know that even teenagers like myself can make a big difference in the world. I feel like God can use us in special ways that he cannot use adults in. Why down syndrome specifically? Well, even I am not sure why yet! But I know God knows, and that he has big plans in store for me!
I found out about Reece's Rainbow almost a year ago, and it completely changed my heart. I know God led me to this site for a reason, and made me fall in love with so many little ones for a reason, and I cannot wait to find out what it is! So hopefully by blogging, I can make a small difference and help raise awareness. Possibly when I am older I will even adopt one. Only time will tell!
So join me as a blog every day this month to raise awareness for the precious treasures with DS! Don't forget to comment below and tell me if you are doing this challenge too!
Kaleigh :)
Welcome! What a wonderful thing you are doing to raise awareness; thanks for participating!