In a little over 2 hours, Angel Tree 2012 officially begins. But 8 children are still without warriors. We have fought hard and found warriors for *almost* all of the children. But is almost enough? Will almost matter to one of those 8 children? No. Their lives will stay the same. If no one steps up to become their warriors, it's basically saying we don't care about them. Please post these babies EVERYWHERE and get them warriors! If you feel led to be one of their warriors, PLEASE DO!
Some of them have little to nothing in their grants, while others are blessed to have more. Some of them have adorable pictures, while others do not have a good picture or do not have a picture at all. Please look past all of this tonight, and just pray that these children will find warriors in the next 2 hours and 25 minutes.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
2 Days
Sophia E.
Nana is very dear to me because she was one of the first faces I saw on Reece's Rainbow. I came back to the website a little later, back when I was first getting into blogging about it, and couldn't find her! I was heartbroken, thinking maybe she got taken off. That's when I realized that there were different age groups and she had moved up! LOL I wasn't very good at navigating the site the first few weeks ;)
Joanie was also a face I saw a lot at the beginning of my RR journey. I don't hear much about her now, and was surprised to see her still listed! I cannot believe a family hasn't snatched up this treasure yet!
Jasper no photo
Garrett is also a little boy who stuck out to me last spring and I remember I blogged a little about him. Please help this guy find his family!
5 girls. 20 boys. 2 days.
Can we find 25 more warriors to support these precious babies? I believe we can!
Also, don't forget to vote! Only 3 days left, and the money will help these babies SO MUCH!
Sophia E.
Nana is very dear to me because she was one of the first faces I saw on Reece's Rainbow. I came back to the website a little later, back when I was first getting into blogging about it, and couldn't find her! I was heartbroken, thinking maybe she got taken off. That's when I realized that there were different age groups and she had moved up! LOL I wasn't very good at navigating the site the first few weeks ;)
Joanie was also a face I saw a lot at the beginning of my RR journey. I don't hear much about her now, and was surprised to see her still listed! I cannot believe a family hasn't snatched up this treasure yet!
Jasper no photo
Garrett is also a little boy who stuck out to me last spring and I remember I blogged a little about him. Please help this guy find his family!
5 girls. 20 boys. 2 days.
Can we find 25 more warriors to support these precious babies? I believe we can!
Also, don't forget to vote! Only 3 days left, and the money will help these babies SO MUCH!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Rita's Been Found!
I just love looking at the MFFM page and seeing new faces on there. But it is even more heart warming to see familiar little faces on there. Ones you have been advocating for. Ones you have been praying for.
I pray that one day, Reece's Rainbow will be so well known and so popular that children will barely have to wait. I pray that their grant accounts will sky rocket the first day their faces get added to the site. I pray that there will someday be a waiting line for families who want to adopt Special Needs children!
Did you vote today???
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Only God.
Only God could take my heart and completely transform it. Honestly, before I came across Reece's Rainbow, I would never have EVER thought about orphans with down syndrome and adopting them. But now, I am completely changed and for that, I praise God.
Funny thing happened today as I was reading different blogs. One that wasn't even about adoption, but was by a Christian woman led to an adoption site called Show Hope. Now if I remember correctly from my childhood from when my mom loved to listen to Steven Curtis Chapman, believe he and his wife began show hope. So anyways, I click on the link and it had some pictures of orphans in China. One face in particular really made me stop so I clicked on it. I started to read more info and read that she has DS. I guess I am just drawn to DS babies now!
Here is the face I saw. I know, it's tiny. But isn't she just a doll?!
Then I clicked on his face, and saw that he had DS too!! At first I thought maybe they all did, but when I looked at some other children, they didn't!
I just had to share them with you in hopes that you will pray for them too!
Funny thing happened today as I was reading different blogs. One that wasn't even about adoption, but was by a Christian woman led to an adoption site called Show Hope. Now if I remember correctly from my childhood from when my mom loved to listen to Steven Curtis Chapman, believe he and his wife began show hope. So anyways, I click on the link and it had some pictures of orphans in China. One face in particular really made me stop so I clicked on it. I started to read more info and read that she has DS. I guess I am just drawn to DS babies now!
I just had to share them with you in hopes that you will pray for them too!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Did you vote today?
I promise longer posts ARE coming soon, but write now the main thing I want to focus on is getting as many people as I can to vote for Reece's Rainbow in the contest! PLEASE vote here is you haven't, because we aren't in 1st place anymore :( I am sure the new 1st place cause is a great one, but this money could change these 10 babies lives, forever.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
30 Seconds
If you could take about 30 seconds out of you day for the next 2 weeks to give 10 Reece's babies $5,000 each, would you? Might I add, it is COMPLETELY FREE!
Please go vote NOW for Reece's Rainbow, because the second place organization is catching up FAST. There is barely a 50 vote difference!
Please share this anywhere you can, because all you need to do is be 21 years old and have a Facebook. IF you don't have a facebook, it is worth it to make one and just use it to vote for these precious babies! After that, feel free to delete it!
Please go vote NOW for Reece's Rainbow, because the second place organization is catching up FAST. There is barely a 50 vote difference!
Please share this anywhere you can, because all you need to do is be 21 years old and have a Facebook. IF you don't have a facebook, it is worth it to make one and just use it to vote for these precious babies! After that, feel free to delete it!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Everyone can do something
I get it. Not everyone is called to adopt, have the money to donate, or even has the time to blog. But everyone can give up a few minutes each day to pray for a specific child or family. Today I found God was burdening my heart with the families that were traveling now to adopt their precious treasures, but were not fully funded. So as I pray for them tonight, I ask that you join me. Just take a few seconds even, and pray for these families that have stepped out in faith to bring their little ones home.
Arnold and his new family! I have loved Arnold ever since I first saw his face on RR about a year ago!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Just Read Yesterday's Post!
Today, my main goal is to get anyone and everyone to read the post I wrote yesterday and to share about those treasures! So I am not going to post a "new" post. But PLEASE if you have not read it, go read it now and spread the word!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
According to the world, the following children aren't worth saving.






But to God, each and every single child matters. If families do not step up for these children by TOMORROW, their files will be sent back saying they were unwanted. worthless.
If you are interested in adopting one of these blessings, DO NOT DELAY! Please email right now! Hurry, before time runs out! Also, please pray that their families step up ASAP, and share this anywhere you can!!!






But to God, each and every single child matters. If families do not step up for these children by TOMORROW, their files will be sent back saying they were unwanted. worthless.
If you are interested in adopting one of these blessings, DO NOT DELAY! Please email right now! Hurry, before time runs out! Also, please pray that their families step up ASAP, and share this anywhere you can!!!
Friday, October 12, 2012
They Still Matter
For day 12 of 31, I am going to be talking about the children on Reece's Rainbow that are over 6 years old. I saw here today that it is someone's goal to get them ALL over $100 in their grant account. So today I am going to share a few of the adorable faces that still need more money to reach $100, but for a complete list, click here!
1. Brian- $20

2. Tatumn- $5.00

3. Caesar- $10

4. Collier- $5

5. Cambria- $20

6. Liam- $15

7. Hope- $5

8. Breanna- $7

9. June- $51.25

10. Elliette- $28

11. Shane- $5

12. Maiya- $25.20

13. Dash- $45.50

14. Layna- $75
15. Annie- $53.85

16. Davin- $25

17. Marina- $20

18. Gerard- $75.30

19. Christian- $51.80

20. Brian- $50.50

21. Devon- $55
22. Rhonda- $50

23. Carly- $28

24. Channah- $65

25. Lauren- $71.60

26. Aurora- $50
27. Prudence- $54.70

28. Carissa- $50

29. Milo- $60

30. Moses- $65

31. Bryan- $10

32. Tyson- $50
There are still 97 more children on this list that are not over $100. So please take a few minutes and go through the list to find one to donate to, or please just pray for one or all!
1. Brian- $20
2. Tatumn- $5.00
3. Caesar- $10
4. Collier- $5
5. Cambria- $20
6. Liam- $15
7. Hope- $5
8. Breanna- $7
9. June- $51.25
10. Elliette- $28
11. Shane- $5
12. Maiya- $25.20
13. Dash- $45.50
14. Layna- $75
15. Annie- $53.85
16. Davin- $25
17. Marina- $20
18. Gerard- $75.30
19. Christian- $51.80
20. Brian- $50.50
21. Devon- $55
22. Rhonda- $50
23. Carly- $28
24. Channah- $65
25. Lauren- $71.60
26. Aurora- $50
27. Prudence- $54.70
28. Carissa- $50
29. Milo- $60
30. Moses- $65
31. Bryan- $10
32. Tyson- $50
There are still 97 more children on this list that are not over $100. So please take a few minutes and go through the list to find one to donate to, or please just pray for one or all!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Some people might have found today special because it is 10.11.12. But for one family, it was extremely special because they went from being a family of 3 to a family of 5! Amy and Andrew officially became Maria and Elijah's parents today over in Russia!
Maria is so beautiful!
Aren't they an adorable couple?
Maria is so beautiful!

It looks like they already have a great father daughter relationship!

Elijah is as cute as they come!

And of course, we can't forget about Finley, their other precious little boy!
Ever since I discovered their blog a few months back, I have been hooked! I look forward to reading every new post, and consider Amy a role model. You can tell, even through their blog, that they have a strong relationship with each other and they are amazing parents to Finley!
Click here to read all about their adoption journey and to learn more about their family! Don't forget to leave an encouraging comment on their post from today, where they were officially a family of 5!
Please also pray for them as they continue their journey to bring their two sweet children home forever!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
10 of 31
Yes, I know. I failed. I almost failed 2 days in a row, but I am staying up a tad bit late to write this. I feel that tonight it is worth it because I have something important to share! So I am sorry that I wasn't able to write last night!
We need YOUR help to get Celine to $15,407.40! Right now she is $3824 away from there. If we can get her to that amount by the end of October, someone will give $5000! It is a match donation, so for every single dollar you donate (up to $5000) it gets matched. So by the end of October, Celine could potentially have upwards of $20,000! So dig deep into your pockets on this one, because every single dollar is needed!
We need YOUR help to get Celine to $15,407.40! Right now she is $3824 away from there. If we can get her to that amount by the end of October, someone will give $5000! It is a match donation, so for every single dollar you donate (up to $5000) it gets matched. So by the end of October, Celine could potentially have upwards of $20,000! So dig deep into your pockets on this one, because every single dollar is needed!

Please keep Celine, her future family, and this fundraiser in your prayers over the next 3 weeks!
Also, if you would like to enter to win a Nikon Digital SLR camera, please see the details HERE!
For every $10 you donate to Celine, you get 1 entry!
ALSO, Patti has offered all of her Scentsy proceeds for the month of October to Celine. So if you are in need of some new fall fragrences, head on over to her Scentsy shop and order away!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Day 8 of 31
Today in my biology class, we got assigned a new project. The project is about different disorders and the topic the teacher chose to give an example on was Down Syndrome! (Which I later found out meant I also couldn't pick that to do my project on... so I got a little bummed!) But the things that I found amazing from this class was how accepting everyone in my class was about people with Down Syndrome. Here are some things that I was thrilled to overhear:
"People with Down Syndrome always are happy, don't you think?" (Followed by almost the entire class agreeing).
"There is a little girl at my church who has Down Syndrome... she is too sweet!"
"My cousin has Downs... and she is the cutest thing ever!"
One of the main reasons I am bummed about not being able to do Down Syndrome is because we are supposed to include organizations that support our disorders. Reece's Rainbow would be the first one I'd put! Instead I have to do it on a random disorder that I do not know much about... boo!
So I just thought I would share this little bit on info with you guys today for day 8 out of 31!
"People with Down Syndrome always are happy, don't you think?" (Followed by almost the entire class agreeing).
"There is a little girl at my church who has Down Syndrome... she is too sweet!"
"My cousin has Downs... and she is the cutest thing ever!"
One of the main reasons I am bummed about not being able to do Down Syndrome is because we are supposed to include organizations that support our disorders. Reece's Rainbow would be the first one I'd put! Instead I have to do it on a random disorder that I do not know much about... boo!
So I just thought I would share this little bit on info with you guys today for day 8 out of 31!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Brett Has a Family!
Just a quick post on this very busy Sunday evening: Brett has a family! He has been found!!!! I am literally jumping up and down with joy right now! Thank you God for opening the eyes of his family.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Miss Rose
Did you know that many years ago on this date (Oct 6), the rose became the national flower for the US? So in honor of today, I am posting about a little girl on RR named Rose, who has DS.
Isn't she a cutie? Please continue praying for her that she will stay strong and healthy until her family can come rescue her! Also please pray that her family comes soon, because she is so young still! Lastly, her grant is at $0 still, so please consider donating to her or doing some fundraising to benefit her!
Isn't she a cutie? Please continue praying for her that she will stay strong and healthy until her family can come rescue her! Also please pray that her family comes soon, because she is so young still! Lastly, her grant is at $0 still, so please consider donating to her or doing some fundraising to benefit her!
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Planner
I wasn't planning on participating in 21 for 31 this year... in fact, I didn't even know about it until about 11 pm on Oct 1. When I saw something on a blog about it, I instantly felt the need to join in. So far, I am glad I did because it gives me an incentive to write. But, let me tell you a little secret. I am a person who likes to have everything nicely lined up days before. But with this challenge, I joined in completely blind. I didn't participate in last years, I didn't have any cool giveaways planned, and I certainly don't have a ton of readers.
It has been so much fun reading everyone's posts so far, and I can't wait to continue to blog daily. Hopefully before too long, I will come up with a schedule on what to blog about. But for now, I am just typing what comes to mind! So bear with me ;)
This month I am hoping to write about:
It has been so much fun reading everyone's posts so far, and I can't wait to continue to blog daily. Hopefully before too long, I will come up with a schedule on what to blog about. But for now, I am just typing what comes to mind! So bear with me ;)
This month I am hoping to write about:
- giveaways that are going on to help families adopting through RR
- Auctions and sales to benefit families from RR
- Bring awareness to all the babes lying overseas in cribs
- Write about whichever children I feel called to write about!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Kacey's Family Found her!
Those of you who have been in the Reece's Rainbow community for a while have probably heard about Kacey. She is almost 4 years old and has Apert Syndrome. But a few days ago, when I was checking the My Family Found Me page on RR, I saw her on there!! *insert happy dance* Please continue praying for her and the family that is coming to rescue her soon!
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